Pumps production is devided in few basic purpose of use. Energy pumps, ship pumps and general service pumps. All our products are designed and developed in our research facilities and all of them are world recognized brands of Croatia Pumpe. All our pumps are being built under strict supervision and control of national and international institutions:

We brought attention on remounts also, and regarding to that our engineers are specialized for all remounts and reparations of our pumps and pumps from third party manufacturers. In any time we can give you prompt technical, mechanical and consulting solution in any type of your inquiry.
We have specialized in manufacturing of origin spare parts and components from all of our production program, which counts more then 500 different designs of pumps. Also we are capable to supply spare parts from all important third party manufacturers. Regarding to availability of spare parts, the most important pieces we have on stock all the time and we shall have delivered to customer promptly on request.
We would like to draw your attention that we have brought licence for CG pumps from Thune-Eureka in past, so parts of these pumps are exchangeable with parts of other producers which make pumps according to Eureka’s licence.

We take care for all of consulting and service activities in maintenance of pumps, in our company we are equipped with the largest testing facilities in this part of Europe, so we can offer you:
- Testing of hydraulic performance and mechanical properties of pump generating sets.
- Production of models and model cavitation testing.
- Erection at site of pump generating sets and complete pump installations equipment.
- Erection and realisation supervision of pump installations and engineering services for pump installations.
- Overhauling, maintenance and servicing of pumps and pump installations.
- Dynamic balancing services for rotating parts.